Global Business Environment

Pages : 512;
210 X 275 mm approx.
Textbook Price: Rs. 900;
Available only in INDIA
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<< Chapter 8
Social and Cultural Environment in Developing Countries : Chapter 9
Most international business firms are finding developing countries a good choice for investment because of cheap labour and resources available. When operating in countries like China, Brazil, Russia and India, firms have to take care of the cultural and social issues that impact the functioning of any business. This chapter has brought to light the various cultural and social factors that influence the functioning of firms in these countries. China, which offers lucrative business opportunities, has unique customs and traditions. Business in China is fundamentally about building relationships. Effective communication is critical to business success. While most Western cultures treat communication as an exchange of information, Chinese consider it an inseparable part of building and maintaining relationships. Another emerging country that has been discussed in this chapter is Brazil.
Social and Cultural Environment in Developing Countries- An Overview
Social and cultural environment in China
Population and Income disparities
Health and education system
Aging population; Unemployment rate
Society and Social Class in China
Hofstede's Analysis for China
Influence of Culture on the Communication Process in Business
Social and Cultural Environment in Brazil
Demographic Issues
Health and Mortality
Language, Religion
Business Culture
Influence of Culture on Consumption
Hofstede's Cultural Factors
Social and Cultural Environment in Russia
Demographic Issues
Other Cultural Issues in Russia
Influence of Culture on Consumption
Social and Cultural Environment in India
Society and Social Class in India
Demographic Trends and Influence on Consumption
Hofstede's Analysis for India
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